Thursday, January 10, 2008

what you gonna do with all that junk?

While browsing my usual websites, I came across some pictures of Kim Kardashian. I'm kind of indifferent about her in general. Not really sure why Ryan Seacrest decided to get behind a girl who's only fame comes from a sex tape with the basically unknown rapper Ray-J and give her a reality TV show, but nonetheless it has increased her notoriety. Anyways, I thought these pictures were kind of funny.

Here she is from the front. Looking pretty cute. I like the dress, the silver sparkles are good, the large sleeves are fun, and the boots are a nice touch. Overall, I think it's a good look that is stylish, but not too revealing.

Then there is the view from the side. And well, Daaaaaaamn. That's a big booty. I'm not really sure about the outfit now. There's technically nothing wrong with it, but that butt must be hard to work around. I guess if you got it, flaunt it.

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